Dear Fairview Family,
Welcome to the Fairview School website! We have recently modified our site to serve you better. We hope that you find the new site easy to navigate and full of helpful information.
I would like to share how very proud we are of our hard working students and their commitment to learning and the fulfillment our school's values of respect, responsibility, and safety. We are pleased to see our young "Knights" go "Above and Beyond" each and every day. We believe in supporting students both academically and socially. At Fairview we promote strong character values, the importance of leadership, and community service. I want to congratulate our students on their hard work and striving to reach these goals.
I want to thank our parents and community for supporting our students and helping them to be successful each day. It is only with the support of both family and school that we can truly help our students to reach their potential. At Fairview we are fortunate to have the support of such a caring parent community and a strong School Community Council.
Lastly, I want to thank our staff for their exceptional work! We have so much to be proud of here at Fairview School. Our staff is a key component with regards to our success, working dilligently each and every day to bring out the best in our students. We wish everyone in our school community all the best for continued success. Go Knights!
Stephen Boss
Fairview School